
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Squash Days

I currently have some cubed butternut squash roasting in the oven. It was easy to season but hella difficult to prepare. I thought my fingers were going to be axed while trying to cut through the squash. It's dense but not as thick as the other types of squash available in the season.

I plan to serve it with white fish cooked with lemon juice, garlic, and chili flakes. Just working with what I got! Back to the squash, I have one tray seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper. The second had cinnamon and will be sprinkled with brown sugar closer to the end of the cooking time. Fingers crossed that it turns out tasty.

Here's the final product - my healthy (and very simple) meal. Plating isn't the best but that's never been my strong suit. I skipped the brown sugar all together. It was sweet enough for me. The meal taste wise was delicious!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dinner for one

Salmon cakes with a vinegary cucumber salad.

The hughlight on this meal was dessert! I made a lemon cake/loaf and really did not have too high expectations for it as desserts are not my forte. However, it came out better than I expected! The picture dies not do it much justice but it was moist, light, and mildly sweet. Delicious and a keeper!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Taking it slow baby

First time making pulled pork tacos. All it took was 8 hours in a slow cooker ;)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sad face

I stopped going to the gym a month ago and lost 5lbs. This is bittersweet because I have been aspiring to lose those last 5lbs for a very long time but my body has been stubbornly hanging onto it. I joined the gym in hopes to tone up and lose a little weight but instead, my weight remained stable. What did happen was that I started become more defined and developed some muscle throughout my body and I started to feel much stronger than I ever have. It was great despite my weight being stable. During that time., I gained muscle and lost fat which is why my weight remained stable. Now that I've stopped working out, I lost muscle mass = weight loss. This also means it will be more challenging burning fat! I need to be more cautious of my "yum yum cravings," hah! So the moral of the story? Work out more to eat more and feel better!!!!! If I had to choose between weightloss or muscle gain, I would choose muscle 100%.

P.S. I froze my gym membership because I thought I would be leaving home for 6 months next weekend but my departure date has been pushed back to end of September. I've been doing ghetto workouts sans gym. Not quite the same as the grunts and moans of fellow gym goers motivates me!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I'm a creep

Long weekend over here in Canada so here's some music to tie you over for the time being!