
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Japanese Egg Tofu with Minced Turkey

This here is my long overdue HELLO! It's hard to believe that my last post was in 2013. A lot of things have changed, but then again, not at all. It's funny how quickly we adapt to situations, and before we realize it, it's completed enmeshed into the fabric of our lives and becomes normative. Sorry for that mumble jumble.

To be honest, since 2015 began, I have not been doing too much cooking. The cooking that I did do was focused on making something that required minimal effort and time. You better believe that presentation was not great, definitely not photo-worthy. With the advent of food photographers everywhere, my skills are embarrassing in comparison.  Plating has never been my focus as taste was a priority and eating everything while it's still piping hot, but maybe it's time I look into making some changes. I mean, I am a total sucker for esthetically pleasing images of food. Anyways, here is my first recipe of 2015!

Japanese Egg Tofu with Minced Turkey

1 Tube of Egg Tofu (found at any Asian grocer)
1 Table Spoon of Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons of Chinese All Purpose Marinade
2 Tablespoons of Unsalted Chicken Broth or  Water
2 Table Spoon of Water
1/4 Pound of Ground Turkey
Green Onions 
S&P to taste.

Slice the tofu into 1/2 inch medallions. Pan fry the tofu in a nonstick pan until lightly brown and crispy on both sides. Remove from pan and place on plate. Satay ground turkey in olive oil until fully cooked, add marinade, water and chicken broth into the pan. Cook until liquids come to a boil. Toss green onions into pan and pour sauce/meat onto tofu medallions.

There you have it! Simple and tasty. Serve this over rice to sop up the saucy goodness.