
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Society Pages

Something about me is that I love to read, it has always been something that I have thoroughly enjoyed throughout my life. When I am not currently reading a good book then I spend much of my reading time preoccupied with online news stories and blogs. I especially enjoy blogs pertaining to food and fitness. I feel that blogs provide a very personal insight of one's experience and perception. However, be mindful to take everything with a grain of salt because the opinions and information content expressed in blogs can be very biased and not necessary the absolute truth. A sleepless night has lead me to this fascinating website: The Society Pages. It offers a critical lens into society and encourages us to challenge those embedded social notions that have within ourselves.

There here is an article that I found particularly interesting on the website. It is part 3 of a series of articles focused on the sexual objectification of women in society, and offers witty advice to combat it - the advice offered offers comedic relief from the seriousness of the subject. I am currently making the ways through the articles in the series in a backward order.The themes and issues brought up in these articles are very reminiscent of my social science courses taken in university. Reminiscent is a funny word to use considering I only graduated 2 months ago! I myself will be reading more articles from the site until I can fall asleep, 4:30am! Anyways, I have linked the article below for your reading pleasure.

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.

Link to article: Sexual Objectification (Part 3)

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